Take a Break: Respite Care Services for Caregivers in Orange County

Are you a family caregiver in Orange County looking for respite care services? Salus Homecare of Orange County offers respite care services to provide you with the necessary rest. Contact us today!

Take a Break: Respite Care Services for Caregivers in Orange County

Are you a family caregiver in Orange County feeling overwhelmed and in need of a break? Salus Homecare of Orange County offers respite care services to provide you with the necessary rest. Caregiver Breath is designed to give you the much-needed break from your caregiving duties, allowing you to take a vacation, attend to your own medical needs, or manage your own work or family hours. The Orange County Regional Center (RCOC) is one of 21 private nonprofit organizations contracted by the State of California to coordinate lifelong services and supports for people with developmental disabilities and their families. RCOC can provide respite care when other family members or a regular babysitter can't meet the medical, physical, or behavioral needs of the child.

Support can be provided by friends, other family members, volunteers, or professional caregivers who can provide care in a private home or in a variety of health care settings. Respite care services are designed to help family caregivers manage their own physical and emotional exhaustion. This can make Orange County a safe, healthy, and satisfying place to live, work and play, today and for generations to come. By providing outstanding and cost-effective regional public services, respite care can help keep the child in the family home.

If you are a family caregiver in Orange County looking for respite care services, contact Salus Homecare of Orange County today. They can provide you with the occasional relief you need to keep the child in the family home and ensure that you get the rest you need. Taking a break from your caregiving duties is essential for your own wellbeing. Respite care services can help you manage your own physical and emotional exhaustion while providing outstanding and cost-effective regional public services that will keep the child in the family home.

Genevieve Szulimowski
Genevieve Szulimowski

Typical pop culture practitioner. Incurable twitter enthusiast. General travel fan. Wannabe entrepreneur. Unapologetic organizer. Extreme pop culture practitioner.

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